Sunday, June 1, 2014

Say "Cheese"!

A picture is worth a thousand words. That's one of my favorite expressions. It rings true to me in so many ways. Whether you are capturing an image of a beautiful view, of a loving family, of friends caught in a laugh, or of two people madly in love, the words to describe them are ever flowing. While a picture cannot always do a memory justice, they are a single glimpse of a passing moment in time that aims to capture our emotions. So that when we look back at them, those emotions return and remind us how special and beautiful it was.

I often times think, if I took a picture of myself right now, this very second in my life, what would my picture say about me? What emotions would it inspire? What adjectives would they use? Is it a picture worth keeping? Would I treasure that memory all my life? Or would I look at it in shame or disappointment? Does it not live up to my expectations for myself?

Not every picture or memory in our life is one we want to keep. Not all make it into the scrapbook. But it's funny how those memories stay within us. Others may forget them, but we hold on to them. Lessons learned, mistakes made. They shape us, and they are what lead us to the good pictures. They motivate us, and inspire us to change for the better. They make the good pictures mean more.

I hope when people look at my picture they say these words: kind, loving, motivated, giving, joyful, humble, funny, creative, generous, caring, smart, honest, graceful, blessed, strong, optimistic, christian, hopeful, beautiful, inspiring, selfless, loved, aspiring, patient, courageous, faithful, calm, trustworthy, devoted, good, responsible, thoughtful, considerate, friendly.

It's not a thousand, but my list is constantly growing.

Everyday I take a picture of myself in my head and check off my list of words. Some days I check more than others. But I try everyday to earn them. I am not perfect and never will be. But my future and my actions are in my own hands. I can be any word I want, I just have to believe.

So write your list of words. They may be different than mine, some may be the same. They depend on you. Your goals and your dreams. They depend on who you want to be in your life. And everyday try to achieve those words. So when God looks at your picture, they are what he sees.

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